Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sneak Peak:

Heres a little sneak peak of our photo session last evening. I am in LOVE with these pics and know that there are more to come =0) Thanks again for doing such great work Kari! We really appreciate both your friendship and photography skills =0)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Baby Bean Update:

Holy smokes it is hard to believe that I am 34 weeks pregnant. It seems like for so long time was creeping by and now all of a sudden the count down is ON. Soon we will have another little lady living in our home.  WOW! Considering we have yet to get the baby's room ready, agree on a name, etc. I guess we better get to moving, huh? On another note, this baby has made being pregnant a little not so comfortable lately. A little over two weeks ago I started having some pretty significant pain. I thought very little of it and figured it was probably just ligaments and muscles stretching making room for the load I am carrying. I mentioned it to my doctor (just to be safe) and it turns out that although that might have been part of the "problem" the other problem was that I was having contractions that were doing enough to dialate me. Since I was only 32 weeks at the time I was told to "take it easy, stick around home and that we would re-evaluate the level of activity I could do at my next appt." Well my next appt. was today and the good news is is that I have not progressed any further and am therefore able to make one last trip to the lake. Being the sun loving girl that I am this made my day. On another note at my next appt. the doctor is going to test for Strep B (I tested positve with Nora) and if this test comes back positive she wants to talk about inducing me so that we are sure to get the recommended amount of antibiotic into my system prior to the little lady shooting into the world (with Nora she was born SO quickly that we only were able to get 1 dose completed so we were lucky she was okay). I have some MAJOR mixed feelings about this. I was SOOO fortunate with Nora to go into labor ON MY OWN, have my water break ON MY OWN, and have her ON MY OWN WITHOUT ANY (im talking not even some ibuprofen) DRUGS that I would LOVE to be able to experience this again. I felt great after the delivery, it did not hurt one bit and I was able to spend my ENTIRE labor in the water. I am afraid that if I am induced the pain will be more than I can bear and that I will have to be hooked up and STUCK in bed the entire time I am laboring. Don't mind the fact that I am TERRIFIED of needles and just the thought of one being stuck in my spine makes me want to pass out! For now I think I will just cross my fingers and hope that the test comes back negative. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Birthday Cousins

The entire time I was pregnant we knew my due date was very close to my nephew, Zach's birthday. He was four at the time and quickly figured out that he might have to share his birthday. He was not fond of the idea and I spent my pregnancy ensuring him that it was not likely to happen. I was WRONG. Nora was born at 6:42 am on his birthday. Much to my surprise, he was SUPER EXCITED and immediately formed a bond with Nora that I have never seen between any other children. Even through the move, Zachy still remains one of Nora's favorite people. Not a day goes by that she doesn't talk about him and she absolutely LOVES to look at pictures that have him in them. My sister sent us this pic today and I am afraid it is going to find its way straight to a frame. I may be a bit partial, but I'm thinking kiddos born on August 8th are some of the cutest kids ever =0)

Nanna's House

We recently had a major transition in childcare. Our "Nanna" became a Grandma herself and decided she wanted to watch her granddaughter in addition to watching Nora. Unfortunately this meant that Nora would have to start coming to her house rather than her coming to ours so there was some adjusting to do. Fortunately Nora had spent some time at her house over the past year so it was a familiar place for her. Nora seemed to transition just fine, however, her Mamma has not. I miss my help. I forgot what it was like to wash my own childs clothes, vacuum my own floor and load and unload the dishwasher. On top of this the days of leaving the house with my kiddo still in pajamas in need of a bath are over. I guess its a good thing Nora loves "Nanna" as much as she does or I would be VERY tempted to find somebody else to fill this void.
Every morning when it is time to get ready to go, I tell Nora to get what she wants to take to Nanna's house. This morning I couldn't help but crack up when I turned around and this is what I saw.

 I guess she thought it was going to be a LONG day!

Monday, August 9, 2010

My Birthday Girl!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

They Say Its Your Birthday!!

Today was the big day. My little lady turned TWO. It was a BUSY but fun day, We are sooo thankful to have such great friends and family who were able to join us in the celebration. Here are a few of the pics I had a chance to take. Hopefully once I gather the rest from some friends, more will make it up here!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Yesterday, Today.

Two years ago yesterday I was due to have Nora. It was also Ryan and I's second anniversary. I can remember going to my doctors appointment knowing she was going to tell me nothing was happening. I was right. She stripped my membranes and I waited patiently for something, anything to happen. It did not. I remember going to dinner that night with Ryan being bummed. I remember getting a call as we were walking into dinner to schedule my induction. It was going to be on August 13th. I remember thinking that was A LONG way away. I remember the anticipation, the wait, the wondering. When? When would my little lady enter this world. I remember the next day and the day after that. I remember spending the evening of the 7th with my nephews and telling Zach I was pretty certain he would not be sharing his birthday with his new little cousin. I was wrong. At 3 in the morning all of my wondering, waiting and anticipating quickly came to an end. My water broke, I was in labor and the little lady was coming fast. I remember the sickness, waking up Ryan and telling him I thought I needed to go to the hospital and him saying half asleep "what for"? I remember it all like it was yesterday. But it wasn't, it was two years ago!
Sitting here today I cannot believe two years have gone by. I cannot believe that what was once a little bundle in my stomach is the sassy little lady I live with now. I cannot believe that in a mere two days I will wake up having a two year old! Time sure does fly. I think I need to stop and snuggle more often.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Nora has been participating in gymnastics through our local parks and rec for the past two months or so. Most of the time her babysitter has taken her, but today since it was her last class I went along. Here are some pics of the little lady having a good time:

Here she is getting her award.. She was pretty proud of herself!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

One week from today...

my little lady will be turning TWO. Am I excited? Nope. Not even kind of. In fact I have been putting off preparing for her party for the mere fact that I don't want to admit that it is going to happen. This time last year I had all sorts of fun things made, all sorts of things planned out, etc. etc. This year, I am in denial. I want to know where this little baby went:

I guess its a good thing that in a little over two months I will be having another one =0)

Schlitterbaun Water Park

Nora, Ryan and I spent the day with my sister, Stacie, and her famliy at Schlitterbaun Water Park. As expected, Nora LOVED it.  Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera so the pictures are few... okay really few, we only have one, but regardless of the lack of pictures it was a great day. Such a great day that the Miller household has spent the remainder of the weekend making up for the exhaustion we incurred from having such a great time. We will definitely be going back.