Sunday, September 25, 2011

They Say It's Your Birthday...

Saturday we celebrated Reese's 1st Birthday. Although the day started off a little on the rough side, things got turned around and we had a great time. Per her older sister's orders, it was a Minnie Mouse themed party complete with fifteen sets of handmade (by me) mickey or minnie mouse ears and appliqued t-shirts. Overall I had a great time preparing for the party and Im pretty certain everybody here had a great time.
Here is the birthday girl and me.... I promise more pictures will follow... once I get them from my fabulous friend/photographer Kari Mack =0)

Friday, September 16, 2011

God's Eyeball

As you may know, Nora is attending Catholic Preschool. I will have to be honest in saying we havent been the best church-going family since moving to Overland Park so to say Nora is a little oblivious as to what all goes on at church might be an understatement! Today, Nora and her class went on a "field trip" to the church. When she came home I asked her if she went to church. Here is our conversation:
Me: Nora did you go to church today?
N: Yes. We did.
Me: We went to church. In church is three candles where you can make a wish and a bath for babies and a lot of Gods on triangles. There is also a really big God waaaaayyyy up in the sky with big eyeballs watching down on us....
Needless to say, I guess we need to work on the little school girl's shapes and differentiating between Jesus and God =0)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Little Jayhawk

Who Would've Guessed....

that my non-stop crying, tough to sooth, must be held at all times, would not take a bottle baby girl would turn into this child?
NOT ME!! But I'll take it because those crazy curls, dimple and big ol smiles sure do melt my heart!

Sistery Love...

My Brown Eyed Girl

A Girl and Her Doggy

Just a Little Bling...

The other day Nora and Reese were happily playing in the toy room when Reese came crawling into the living room looking like this:

I guess we can't say that Nora doesnt EVER share her toys =0) She just shares what she wants to! Good thing that for the most part, her sister doesnt mind playing Princess!

Nora's 1st Day of Preschool

My Smily Girl!

Heres my little lady at ELEVEN months. Somebody stop the clock. I will NOT let her turn ONE!!

Becky's Birthday

Nora's Great Aunt Becky "Great Becky" had a birthday. Great Becky's birthdays are never to pass without a great party. This year, the entire family went bowling. Everybody had a great time!
Here is Nora with the birthday girl. Nora loves her Great Becky!

Preschool Orientation

Nora had her preschool orientation and LOVED it. She has been looking forward to going to preschool for some time so we figured she would, but we had no idea how much she REALLY wanted to go... until we took her. She was SO proud of herself and SO ready to go. When we left she said to us that she couldnt wait to come back WITHOUT Mom and Dad!!

Nora's 1st Time Rollerskating

Nora was invited to a birthday party at the local skating rink. I'll have to be honest in saying that I thought the parents of her three year old friend were crazy, however, I took Nora anyway and we both ended up having a great time!