Baby Bean Update:
Holy smokes it is hard to believe that I am 34 weeks pregnant. It seems like for so long time was creeping by and now all of a sudden the count down is ON. Soon we will have another little lady living in our home. WOW! Considering we have yet to get the baby's room ready, agree on a name, etc. I guess we better get to moving, huh? On another note, this baby has made being pregnant a little not so comfortable lately. A little over two weeks ago I started having some pretty significant pain. I thought very little of it and figured it was probably just ligaments and muscles stretching making room for the load I am carrying. I mentioned it to my doctor (just to be safe) and it turns out that although that might have been part of the "problem" the other problem was that I was having contractions that were doing enough to dialate me. Since I was only 32 weeks at the time I was told to "take it easy, stick around home and that we would re-evaluate the level of activity I could do at my next appt." Well my next appt. was today and the good news is is that I have not progressed any further and am therefore able to make one last trip to the lake. Being the sun loving girl that I am this made my day. On another note at my next appt. the doctor is going to test for Strep B (I tested positve with Nora) and if this test comes back positive she wants to talk about inducing me so that we are sure to get the recommended amount of antibiotic into my system prior to the little lady shooting into the world (with Nora she was born SO quickly that we only were able to get 1 dose completed so we were lucky she was okay). I have some MAJOR mixed feelings about this. I was SOOO fortunate with Nora to go into labor ON MY OWN, have my water break ON MY OWN, and have her ON MY OWN WITHOUT ANY (im talking not even some ibuprofen) DRUGS that I would LOVE to be able to experience this again. I felt great after the delivery, it did not hurt one bit and I was able to spend my ENTIRE labor in the water. I am afraid that if I am induced the pain will be more than I can bear and that I will have to be hooked up and STUCK in bed the entire time I am laboring. Don't mind the fact that I am TERRIFIED of needles and just the thought of one being stuck in my spine makes me want to pass out! For now I think I will just cross my fingers and hope that the test comes back negative. Wish me luck!
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