Saturday, December 20, 2008

We wish you a Merry Christmas....

Hello to all!

Wow, it doesnt seem possible but Christmas truly is right around the corner. We will be spending tomorrow celebrating Christmas with Ryan's famiy and then making the jaunt down to Chanute for Christmas day later this week. Today while Ryan was working my friend and I took Nora down for her first trip to see Santa. She was a very cooperative baby and we got a couple of good pics. Here they are: (once again, sorry for the sideways imagines, I have GOT to figure out to make them not be this way)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

She did it!!!

Today was a very exciting day at our house. My little girl truly is growing up. Not only does she now prefer to sit facing outward on people's laps, she can also ROLL OVER!! I was at my friend, Tasha's when all of a sudden she said "she just rolled over! Luckily I had my camera right there so I took some shots... She hasnt quite mastered the getting her arm out from under her part yet, but it didnt stop her from cooing at her accomplishment...
Here are the pics:
I looked down and this is what I saw:

all the way over..... man it was hard work...

but she was so proud of her accomplishment!

Ethan and Zach also spent the afternoon with us. They had a fun time building a fort and playing guns in the backyard... I just love these boys... their imagination is endless....

P.S. Sorry for the sideways images... I cannot figure out how to rotate them without starting all over and I am tired =0)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My growing little girl...

This past Wednesday Nora went for her 4 month check-up/round two of shots. All went well. She weighs 12.5 pounds and is 25 inches long. Hard to believe she is already this big, or that she is FOUR MONTHS OLD! Wow how time has flown!
We also recently got her Christmas pics taken (once again by my friend, Kari) and of course they turned out ADORABLE... here are a few of my favorites....

I may be biased, but is this not the CUTEST thing you have ever seen?

Until next time, take care and stay warm!!!
The Miller's