Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wooohoooo... I Love It When I Get Away With Murder ....

or just crappy eating and still manage to lose weight!! I have to be honest. I have been HORRIBLE about watching my weight. I havent written down a single thing I have eaten in weeks... or maybe close to a month. I have, however, kept an eye on what I eat and pretty much have stuck to eating the same various things for both breakfast, lunch and dinner.. the problem I've had though is that I have been eating CRAP throughout the day for no reason, and have been eating WAY.TOO. MUCH when we go to the lake...
Thankfully there is a God who knew I needed a swift kick in the booty and gave me the motivation I needed! Despite my crappy efforts I lost nearly two pounds! Im stoked! I now weigh 141.6!! Im determined to lose at least 1.7 pounds just so I can say I way 130-something... I can do it, I know I can... I'll just have to keep reminding myself that "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"!!
Wish me luck because those smores are calling my name!

Monday, July 25, 2011

9 Month Sneak Peak...

Here is a sneak peak of Reese's nine month pics. Unfortunately she lost her temper, took a nap, and when she woke up was not in a photo taking mood, so the pics were limited.. no fear though, we will be heading in for some studio shots in the very near future... Thanks to my friend, Kari Mack for taking them. As always, they are great!

I absolutely LOVE this picture... Everything about it is Reese.. the curly hair, the big smille, the dimple and a bow (because her big sister won't let her go without one)!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Reese 9 month check-up

Well, like every other check-up of Reese's we were a little late, so really at 9.5 months these are her stats:
Weight: 15 lbs 11 oz
Height: 28.5
Although the doctor stated her weight was in the 4th percentile, she stated she was healthy and growing steadily. She's just skinny. If you know Reese, you know the girl CAN and DOES eat (often more than her big sister) and that there is a very good reason she is so skinny! She is on the go NON-STOP!! Her height put her at the 74%, which honestly kinda shocked me! She seems SOOO tall to me, but I guess she really isnt! 
And because a blog isnt the same without a pic, heres my not so big, big girl with her sister and cousins (on 4th of July)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Woweee... Its been a busy busy time!

Things around the Miller household have been busy lately. We have spent a lot of time outdoors, swimming, going to Ryan's parent's lakehouse, visiting Grandparents, going to birthday parties and just enjoying our most favorite time of the year: Summer! This Mama has been HORRIBLE about taking pictures lately. Something about having two kiddos leaves me short on hands to actually take pictures of all the fun we have. This weekend we have yet another birthday party to attend and then we are closing in on the homestretch to start celebrating the two little ladies in our own house's 1st and 3rd birthdays! Im not sure how that can be possible, but it is. I have grand plans for both and am trying my best to not procrastinate so that something that should be fun doesnt turn me into a stressful mess!!
In other news, Reese is GROWING UP and changing SOOOO fast. In the past month she has managed to get two teeth, master the army crawl, endure three nights of crying it out which lead her to succesfully putting herself to sleep every single time, and switch from eating baby food to literally chowing down on almost any kind of table food. The girl can EAT (and is often known to consume more food in one sitting than her nearly 3 year old sister)!
Nora on the otherhand has made her own accomplishments as well. She is FINALLY daytime potty trained. All it took was a little talk from her "big" cousins, Nolan and Carson and she made the switch. Needless to say, I am more than excited to have this under our belt. I really was starting to think we were not going to be able to send her to preschool!