Saturday, January 10, 2009

Why, Hello There...

Hello Everybody!
Life around the Miller household continues to be BUSY. Lil' Miss Nora keeps on growing and now weighs FIFTEEN pounds. I cannot believe it! She has also gotten TWO teeth and another two are on the way. With all this excitement at once she also has decided that being our good little girl who for the most part sleeps through the night is for the birds. As a result we are a bit sluggish around here and have done a pretty good job of passing a cold around to each other. I am now on round two and my nose WILL NOT quit running! I wish I could say I have some exciting pics to add to this boring post, but unfortunately I don't. I will be sure to post some new ones just as soon as life slows down and I get a chance. In the meantime take care, and stay warm!!
The Millers