Thursday, July 30, 2009
As many of you all know Nora has learned to count, but if you ask her something, just about everything is two...
So we were at the doctor and the doctor was trying to get Nora to raise her arms up. The doctor asked Nora how big she was thinking she would raise her hands over her head and participate in the so big game.... WRONG. Nora just looked at the doctor and matter of factly said "two".
She is such a hoot these days!!!
And because we just got her ONE year pics back heres a sneak peak....She really is getting SOOO BIG!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Well friends we have two new words....
No, and Mamma. Guess how they came about?!? Of course in a public place. We were standing in line at Sherwin Williams getting paint for our bedroom when Nora began to get restless. All of a sudden admist me man handling her she looked straight at me and said "NO, Mamma"! As if this isnt enough coming from an almost one year old this statement was followed by her covering her ears as though to let me know she was not going to listen to anything I had to say! Needless to say the trip was not a very enjoyable one BUT we did get the paint.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Life is GOOD
Just wanted to let everybody know that we are back to reality and all better. My smily girl is well, we have caught up on sleep and all is GOOD. Thanks to everybody for your prayers, kind thoughts, etc. through our recent rough time. We truly do appreciate all the support and prayers sent our way. It is wonderful to know that we have such caring, supportive family and friends.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Our house...
Here is a pic of our current house... surprisingly this is the first pic I have ever taken of it. If you know of anybody wanting to buy a house in Lawrence please spread the word that ours is for sale. We are asking $149,900. It really is a nice home with lots of updated features including hardwood flooring throughout main floor and a HUGE privacy fenced backyard. We have pretty much completely redone the inside.
Thank you, Jesus
Hey all, we are alive and WELL. I am almost positive Nora has kicked the crud and that we are well on our way back to normal. We have had a whirlwind of a weekend with her being ill and on top of that WE BOUGHT A NEW HOUSE. I am soooo excited for more space I can hardly stand it but at the same time I am very sad to be leaving Lawrence. Aside from a year break, this is the town I have called home for the past ten years. I have made some GREAT friends here, worked here, attended college here and grown from a child to an adult here. I feel like I am somewhat leaving my roots only to start all over again. I am excited about this though. I feel like with this transition we can finally feel like we are settled instead of constantly knowing that where we are now is only temporary. I am excited to finally have a church that we will call home, to get involved and to meet new people. I am excited to know that we will be in a neighborhood that has other young kiddos who play in their front yards and who will become Little Miss N's friends (hopefully for life). I am also excited to be close to more family and to be able to see them more often. More than anything I am excited for my husband to be able to be home much sooner and to no longer drive the death trap of a highway otherwise known as K-10. I am also excited that I will no longer have to make the commute either and that I will be able to spend more time at my "new" job getting to know the folks. So with that, here is our new house:
Anybody wanna buy our old one? It's for sale =0)
Anybody wanna buy our old one? It's for sale =0)
Monday, July 20, 2009
I feel like I have been on a rollercoaster ride for the past week and cannot imagine to think what little Miss N feels like! Nora has been terribly sick, gotten better, gotten worse, went to the ER, went to the doctor (twice) had two cathedars inserted, had labs drawn, an IV inserted and had several nights of minimal sleep.
GOOD NEWS - aside from being completely sleep deprived I THINK (fingers crossed) she is better. I sure hope so (because I am not sure how much more this Mamma and Dadda can take)!
We'll keep you posted (for now I am going to take advantage of the exersaucer and Sesame Street and rest on the couch).
GOOD NEWS - aside from being completely sleep deprived I THINK (fingers crossed) she is better. I sure hope so (because I am not sure how much more this Mamma and Dadda can take)!
We'll keep you posted (for now I am going to take advantage of the exersaucer and Sesame Street and rest on the couch).
Friday, July 17, 2009
The verdict is in...
Little Miss N has an urinary tract infection (for sure) with the possibility of it being more. We are waiting on lab results to return to know the final result. In the meantime we are having a good ol time convincing her that antibiotics are yummy and that taking tylenol/motrin around the clock is like eating cake. So far we havent been too convincing, but we're still trying. We're sure hoping that she kicks the crud quickly. I really hope that today is the last day that my normally "wild" child decides that aside from sleeping the only thing she wants to do is drink bottles, lay in bed and watch Barney and Sesame Street. I dont think I can stand the songs being in my head much longer, let alone the laying in bed watching TV.
Nora still has a fever. We had quite the scare in the middle of the night last night when it shot up to 104.5. I immediately called the doctor, followed her advice and went back to sleep. Miss N woke up this morning still having a temperature, but it was down to 100 so that was better. She has yet to break it this morning and is REALLY not acting herself. I feel sooo helpless as we try to figure out the cause. We took her to the doctor yesterday and her ears, throat and nose all looked okay so we are now trying to collect urine so that it can be cultured. So far we are not having any luck so I am frustrated and uncertain about how else to get the deed done. Trying to collect urine from an 11 month old, take care of a sick sick baby, drive clear across town to get more specimen bags and get the work from my job done all at the same time is leading to one stressed mamma! Dear baby please get well soon!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
We're still here... kinda
Just wanted to let you all know that we are still here... kinda. It's been a LONG week at the Miller's. So long that I swear it has to be Friday, but its not!
Heres the run down on whats been going on:
- Nora had her pics taken Sunday... lots of prepping for those Saturday (of course I wont share those with any of you until I get them from the photographer and it is closer to her birthday)
-Sunday N came down with a fever.... fever has yet to stay away. Im thinking its the good ol teeth, but considering we are going on nearly 60 hours of fever (off and on) I am starting to think not... I feel a trip to the doctor coming on.
-Our air conditioner in our house broke... of course in the evening so we had the luxury of sleeping sans air conditioning. Of course this had to happen when Little Miss N had a fever so I felt terrible for her. It's fixed now. The repairman did let us know that our unit has outlived its typical lifespan... dear God just let it last a little bit longer...
thats all for now....
boring, I know....
more excitement when the little monkey gets to feeling better!
Just wanted to let you all know that we are still here... kinda. It's been a LONG week at the Miller's. So long that I swear it has to be Friday, but its not!
Heres the run down on whats been going on:
- Nora had her pics taken Sunday... lots of prepping for those Saturday (of course I wont share those with any of you until I get them from the photographer and it is closer to her birthday)
-Sunday N came down with a fever.... fever has yet to stay away. Im thinking its the good ol teeth, but considering we are going on nearly 60 hours of fever (off and on) I am starting to think not... I feel a trip to the doctor coming on.
-Our air conditioner in our house broke... of course in the evening so we had the luxury of sleeping sans air conditioning. Of course this had to happen when Little Miss N had a fever so I felt terrible for her. It's fixed now. The repairman did let us know that our unit has outlived its typical lifespan... dear God just let it last a little bit longer...
thats all for now....
boring, I know....
more excitement when the little monkey gets to feeling better!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
11 Months!
Shes a Little Bit of Sunshine:
She's a little bit of sunshine
She's a smile to light your days
She will steal your heart and keep it
With her warm endearing ways
She's your precious little daughter
With a sweetness from above
Who will fill your years with laughter And your lives with lots of love
The above poem is a poem that I often think about when I think of Nora. Nora is now ELEVEN months old and I have noticed myself thinking about the time that has already passed more and more. I cant believe that my little girl is sooo close to being one! How can it be??
Here are some happenings these days for Nora:
- She says: Dadda, Dog, and Baby. You try to spell your name. You have the N, O and A down... now if we can just get you to not be dependent on Mamma to say the R. You also can count to three. The way you say two melts my heart every time you say it. It is just too stinkin cute!
- You can sign milk and all done (thanks, Aunt Stacie)
- You are pulling up on EVERYTHING. You can also sit down without wiping out.
- You can go up and down the stairs. This makes Mamma really nervous!
- You wear 9-12 month clothes and are still shy of 20 lbs. You are still our long, lanky girl.
- You love to dance, play peek-a-boo, play How big is Nora, give your Mamma kisses, ride on your Radio Flyer Rocket, "draw" pictures on your Magna Doodle, play with your baby and sing (especially ABC's and If Youre Happy and You Know It). You also love swimming and spending time outdoors.
- You pretty much eat what we eat. You are totally on formula and have been since 9 months (when Mamma got Bells Palsy). You never seemed to mind the transition, but it still breaks Mamma's heart that you are no longer dependent on her.
She's a little bit of sunshine
She's a smile to light your days
She will steal your heart and keep it
With her warm endearing ways
She's your precious little daughter
With a sweetness from above
Who will fill your years with laughter And your lives with lots of love
The above poem is a poem that I often think about when I think of Nora. Nora is now ELEVEN months old and I have noticed myself thinking about the time that has already passed more and more. I cant believe that my little girl is sooo close to being one! How can it be??
Here are some happenings these days for Nora:
- She says: Dadda, Dog, and Baby. You try to spell your name. You have the N, O and A down... now if we can just get you to not be dependent on Mamma to say the R. You also can count to three. The way you say two melts my heart every time you say it. It is just too stinkin cute!
- You can sign milk and all done (thanks, Aunt Stacie)
- You are pulling up on EVERYTHING. You can also sit down without wiping out.
- You can go up and down the stairs. This makes Mamma really nervous!
- You wear 9-12 month clothes and are still shy of 20 lbs. You are still our long, lanky girl.
- You love to dance, play peek-a-boo, play How big is Nora, give your Mamma kisses, ride on your Radio Flyer Rocket, "draw" pictures on your Magna Doodle, play with your baby and sing (especially ABC's and If Youre Happy and You Know It). You also love swimming and spending time outdoors.
- You pretty much eat what we eat. You are totally on formula and have been since 9 months (when Mamma got Bells Palsy). You never seemed to mind the transition, but it still breaks Mamma's heart that you are no longer dependent on her.
4th of July
We hope you all had a safe and happy fourth of July. We sure did. We spent the weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks with Ryan's family. When I say famiily I mean FAMILY... 21 of us to be exact! Despite the unseasonable weather we still managed to have a good time. Here are some pics from our trip:

This pic is of Ryan's cousin, Nick being the patient for Nolan and Carson. Diagnosis from a 3 yr old: PMS (of course he had no idea what he was saying, but needless to say it provided for a good laugh)

Nora on the boat
This pic is of Ryan's cousin, Nick being the patient for Nolan and Carson. Diagnosis from a 3 yr old: PMS (of course he had no idea what he was saying, but needless to say it provided for a good laugh)
Nora on the boat
Nora knowing that she had something that her cousins would not approve of (The prized Royal's hat)
Nora with her Great (Aunt) Becky.