Saturday, August 16, 2008

One week... already

Well, Nora celebrated her week birthday yesterday and everything continues to be going quite well. She has almost gained back all of her weight and is an angel baby. She rarely fusses and only wakes up ONE time between midnight and 6 am! I cannot believe it! With me feeling great, her first week of life has been quite an active one... so far she has went to the Lawrence swimming pool with her cousins, the public library, several restaurants, the WWI museum at Liberty Memorial and Rain Forest Cafe. Dad goes back to work this week, so the fun is likely to end and the little girl and I will have to start being creative with how we are going to spend the next 11 weeks!!!
As soon as my husband shares the pictures off of his computer with me, I will be sure to post some.... she is definitely a CUTIE (and looks nothing like her mom)!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Girl....

Hello All,
Our little one has arrived and everything about it was IMPRESSIVE!!! She was born on 8/8/08 at 6:42 am... a mere 3 hours after I began labor... No kidding!!! She weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz and was 19.5 inches long... Needless to say with the fast labor and the fact that I was half way to pushing when I arrived at the hospital there were no drugs... and call me crazy if you will, but it really did not hurt... I guess these hips I bear may not be good for shopping but they sure can birth a baby!!!
Check out the pics on our photobucket site.....

Until next time I hope you enjoy your days as much as I am enjoying mine !!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Still hanging on....

Well yesterday came and went and no baby arrived. The night before I thought for sure she might just make it but she was just teasing me. I did however go to the doctor where she informed me that I was indeed making progress but not enough, and that she would schedule me to be induced early the following week due to fear that the baby will be too large if we wait. I later heard that I will begin the induction process next Tuesday, August 12th in the evening and hopefully we will have a baby the following day. I am hoping little miss thing decides to take it upon herself and make her grand entrance on her own before then but I guess if she doesn't then at least I know there IS light at the end of the tunnel....