Monday, September 28, 2009
You are the house that we made our first home. The one where we morphed from college students to "real" working adults. You are the house that was"within gator distance from my nephews". The house that we spent our first Christmas together.Brought our first child home to and celebrated her first birthday in. You are the house we worked so hard to make our own. Blue house, we love you and will always cherish all the memories we have from living in you!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Hello Nanny...
we need you! Yep thats what I said. We need a nanny and we need one bad! Ryan and I had went through the whole interviewing, visiting, touring, eliminating choices for childcare gig about a month ago. I had thought I was being proactive and that we had it all taken care of. HA! HA! What did I get for being proactive? A nanny who quit before she started! Ugh. She was perfect. Or at least I think she would have been. She took a full time job. Now here we are again, searching, interviewing, eliminating and trying to decide who is the closest thing to perfect to care for our child. Im annoyed. I cannot decide. I question myself as to rather this is the right route to go. Maybe we should just take her to daycare, or an in home place. I don't know. Any suggestions? How did you choose a place/provider?!?! I could use some input here =0) Surely finding somebody to care for our daughter shouldnt be as hard as I am making it, right?!?!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Nora has an announcement to make...
Yep, thats what I said. My little girl is walking. As in taking several steps at a time without falling AND carrying stuff while doing it! Coming from a Mamma who is in DENIAL that her baby is no longer a baby, this milestone is a tough one to swallow. Where has time gone? Where did my baby go? I'm not sure, but what I do know is that it is going TOO FAST!
Yep, thats what I said. My little girl is walking. As in taking several steps at a time without falling AND carrying stuff while doing it! Coming from a Mamma who is in DENIAL that her baby is no longer a baby, this milestone is a tough one to swallow. Where has time gone? Where did my baby go? I'm not sure, but what I do know is that it is going TOO FAST!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Tutu complete...
I did it, I made Nora's tutu and if I must say so myself it turned out pretty darn cute. Even better was that it was not hard to make AT ALL and it cost less than 10 dollars to make. Much better than the (at least) $30.00 they wanted off of Etsy. Sometimes being crafty pays off afterall =0) Stay tuned for pics... once I get my camera battery charged I will post some. Promise =0)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Boy oh boy... I just love Fall
Hello there! I just love the fact that fall is around the corner. I love fall. Not because it means the weather is going to get colder (because I am truly an anything in the sun kinda gal) but because of all the fun activities that happen this time of year!! I LOVE going to all the craft fairs, fall festivals, pumpkin patches etc. and this year it will be even more fun because Nora will be old enough to have a reaction to them!!! I can't wait! I just realized that it was time to get to thinking about this when I got an email informing me of a special deal on a fall themed mini session with one of my favorite photographers . You better believe I signed us up. She has taken pics of Nora in the past and they were fantastic! After I got the email, I got to thinking we couldnt have fall/halloween pics without a costume so it was off to decide what little Miss N should be. I thought about having her be a white tiger since she loves the one she sleeps with each night, but couldnt find a costume that I thought was cute enough (or not totally store bought looking). After this thought, I got the idea that something with a tutu would be fabulous so I ventured over to and started checking things out. I stumbled across this idea (sorry its so small, not sure how to make it bigger):

Of course, they wanted way too much and I like to think I am a crafty kinda gal, so off to Hobby Lobby I went. Hopefully making tutus truly is as easy as the tutorials make it sound. If not, well then I guess its a good thing I gave myself plenty of time! Either way, I WILL have THE cutest little witch ever! I promise!
Stay tuned for pics! Im pretty excited!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
My oh my... could we PLEASE have a bubble?!?!
I have been having difficulties when it comes to blogging what to blog about. It seems like turning one for Nora =constant sickness and therefore that is what our life has been revolving around. That and trying to keep the house spotless in an attempt to sell the darn thing! 1st we had the kidney infection, then we had a reaction to our MMR shots, now we have croup. Ugh! I seriously just want to place Nora in a bubble and not let her get out! With all of these yuckys I am about to reconsider my whole theory on a little dirt wont hurt and start being that mom that carries around the bottle of sanitizer! There is only so much of being off of work and attempting to work from home with a sick, needy one year old that I can handle! I feel so sorry for Miss N, too. I constantly have to remind myself that although I am becoming a very sleep deprived Mamma, who is slowly getting further and further behind, my little girl is sleep deprived AND sick! I know that this is all part of raising a toddler, but can't God share the love with somebody else?!?!
Oh by the way, I have been a bad, bad Mamma who hasn't been taking pictures. The battery needs recharged and im not quite sure where the charger is. Lame excuse I know but at least I am telling the truth!
Oh by the way, I have been a bad, bad Mamma who hasn't been taking pictures. The battery needs recharged and im not quite sure where the charger is. Lame excuse I know but at least I am telling the truth!