Boy oh boy... I just love Fall
Hello there! I just love the fact that fall is around the corner. I love fall. Not because it means the weather is going to get colder (because I am truly an anything in the sun kinda gal) but because of all the fun activities that happen this time of year!! I LOVE going to all the craft fairs, fall festivals, pumpkin patches etc. and this year it will be even more fun because Nora will be old enough to have a reaction to them!!! I can't wait! I just realized that it was time to get to thinking about this when I got an email informing me of a special deal on a fall themed mini session with one of my favorite photographers . You better believe I signed us up. She has taken pics of Nora in the past and they were fantastic! After I got the email, I got to thinking we couldnt have fall/halloween pics without a costume so it was off to decide what little Miss N should be. I thought about having her be a white tiger since she loves the one she sleeps with each night, but couldnt find a costume that I thought was cute enough (or not totally store bought looking). After this thought, I got the idea that something with a tutu would be fabulous so I ventured over to and started checking things out. I stumbled across this idea (sorry its so small, not sure how to make it bigger):

Of course, they wanted way too much and I like to think I am a crafty kinda gal, so off to Hobby Lobby I went. Hopefully making tutus truly is as easy as the tutorials make it sound. If not, well then I guess its a good thing I gave myself plenty of time! Either way, I WILL have THE cutest little witch ever! I promise!
Stay tuned for pics! Im pretty excited!
Now this is getting scary! Phoebe is going to be a witch this year,too. I already have her costume. Were we made from the same mold or something?!
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