As you may know, Nora is attending Catholic Preschool. I will have to be honest in saying we havent been the best church-going family since moving to Overland Park so to say Nora is a little oblivious as to what all goes on at church might be an understatement! Today, Nora and her class went on a "field trip" to the church. When she came home I asked her if she went to church. Here is our conversation:
Me: Nora did you go to church today?
N: Yes. We did.
Me: We went to church. In church is three candles where you can make a wish and a bath for babies and a lot of Gods on triangles. There is also a really big God waaaaayyyy up in the sky with big eyeballs watching down on us....
Needless to say, I guess we need to work on the little school girl's shapes and differentiating between Jesus and God =0)