6 Months Ago Today...
My baby was born!
Wow! Where has time gone? Six months ago today I was scared to death of what was about to come. I was worried that I had messed up something good and that having two children would require more love than I had to give. I thought wrong. I love my little ladies more and more each day. As Reese gets older I LOVE seeing her and Nora's friendship develop. What started out as a ROUGH relationship between siblings has turned into something great. Nora LOVES her little sister with all her heart and will do anything for her (except admit that I am Reese's Mommy... if you ask Nora where Reese's Mommy is, her response is: Reese's mommy is at the doctor's). Reese LOVES Nora just as much! Overall Reese has come a long way. I will have to admit her early days were no walk in the park, but she has come along. She is no longer lactose intollerant and she has started eating solids. She still is VERY much a Mama's girl and will do as much as make herself throw-up if I am not near her and she wants me. She has decided that taking a bottle is for the birds, so this has put a whole new glitch in me working. She just recently learned to roll from her back to her stomach and is now spending her time trying to figure out how to crawl. Unlike her big sister, who had several teeth by this time, Reese has none. I have to admit I am pretty thankful for this.
Happy half birthday baby girl! The past 6 months have been some of the most fun, craziest, sleep deprived days of my life, but I wouldn't change it for anything! I look forward to spending many, many more with you (although I hope they arent always sleep deprived) =0)
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