Where oh where has my baby gone?!?!
Nora turned SIXTEEN MONTHS OLD TODAY. I cannot believe it. I often wonder where my little baby went. It doesnt seem possible that we have already made it this far. We have been so blessed with such a sweet, loving, easy-going little girl. We definately could not have asked for anything better!

Here are some new happenings for Nora:
- She speaks in sentences. Two in particular. The newest one being "I love you". Yep, shes a sweetheart!
-She is growing like a weed. I have no idea how much she weighs or how tall she is but her clothes keep on getting smaller and it seems we are CONSTANTLY replacing the "choes" (shoes).
-She still loves her Nanny, Miss Patty. We love her too. She is great! Knowing that you have a loving person caring for your child makes it SO much easier to leave for work.
-Nora has been refusing her naps. Coming from the child who has always been like clockwork this is a tough one to adjust to. Her stubborn attitude wins every.single.time and she just does not give in. What is a Mamma to do?!? Any suggestions?!?!
-Nora continue to be very tidy. She always sits her sippy cups on the table when she is not drinking from them, ensures that the doors are all closed, the toilet seat is down, the dogs cages are closed and the beds are in them just so.
-Nora has become quite the little helper when it is time to put the dogs in their cage. This honestly warrants a video it is so humorous but I havent gotten around to filming one... stay tuned I will try my best to remember!
-Nora still LOVES her shoes and has added hats, bows and jackets to the things she is obsessed about.
-Nora loves to brush her teeth. She will not let you leave her room in the morning without getting them brushed. Heres to hoping this means that she will have good teeth like her Dadda!! Lord knows we can only afford one bad mouth in this house!
Last but not least, here are some new pics. Could somebody PLEEEEAAAAAASE stop the clock? My baby is growing up too fast and I DON'T LIKE IT AT ALL!
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